Hullo. The little fam and I are home-alone as the big fam are all off enjoying Bukidnon's Kaamulan festival. Yesterday was the Street dancing showcasing Bukidnon's rich culture from it's many indigenous tribes, and tonight is Rodeo Night to celebrate the champions of the Rodeo and Bukidnon's wonderful cowboys. I can just imagine everyone's alread pretty drunk..right Haha.
And on the other side of the fence.... we spent the afternoon in bed, Dear Husband watching a Chinese film (in Chinese haha, which we do not speak nor comprehend!), Begotten Son played with his lego people eating my Rement food, and I finished my booties for the babe.
Being the only female in my lil' family of males can be quite lonely at times, specially when I see the most adorable things to do. My sisters and neices all live too far for these sudden bouts of "oh my! let's try that!" Times like when you see Cookie Monster nails!
Sources (clockwise from Top Left): 1.Nifty Nails 2.Heather 3.Oh My Nails 4.Catherine's Loves
Alas, with no one in sight, I had to try it on my micro nails. LOL. *sigh* Small hands=Small nails.As much as I would have loved to do those other designs, the size of my nail needed some planning, so I went with a version of #2. Heather's cookie monster nails. I didn't have the wonderful shade of blue that they used since I am limited to whatever nail polish is sold in the little town nearby.
Do you want to know the brand names and the colors I used? Hehe I should have taken a photo, but for now here goes: CHIC Classics Nail Color in Neon Blue (really?! hahaha) and Caramelicious, BOBBIE Premium Nail Cream in Kohl and Pure White and RAIN by Colortrends Nail Creme in Sheer Bliss (in other words, clear top coat). I am glad I wrote that down for posterity's sake because the markings are disappearing as I write this.
The number of cute nail art out there multiplies by the minute, thus I can't wait for summer break when all the girls will be here for their vacation. I'm sure they've got more nail space that I do.
It's really fun to knit though when your nails are all done up, and the Cookie Monster is grinning back at you.
Hope you all had a lovely Sunday and here's to wishing all of us a week filled with wonder and much love.
Peace. Love. Dream. Get Inspired.