End of the week, and family time..I ♥ Sundays. Hope everyone had a good weekend, wherever you are and whoever you are. Over here at the little house, we had a lovely time as our mother passed by and spent the night on Friday, and we had a lovely dinner out at Pine Hills hotel last night. And today, well, the sisters have been busy lazing around, and I set out to fix my smaller camera. :-)
Things I learned today: If you have a Canon g9, and the lens does not go back in, and there's an error...the good people at the Flickr g9 discussions have this advice: "slam it like slamming a fridge door shut". LOL. My camera, which I have not been able to use for so long is now back and working! I was a bit scared to smack it with my palm, specially as I had worked so hard to buy it! Well, overcoming fear has it's wonderful rewards. Tadah! I can now present you with some images for the Sunday Show & Tell!
When I wake up, one of the first things I see are: 1. This orange horse! (beside it is Deer Husband's insect-killing lampamathingie) 2. Polaroid of the boy & me, taken by our friend Ayla earlier this year.
3. All the growing goodness! Mother grew these while I was away (except for the garlic chives, which were full grown when they came over from the ranch), and so when she was here, she cleaned them and made them all pretty! :-) The seeds I ordered of Ebay (they come out around P50.00/pack), and I am seriously praying these babies will grow to maturity. It would be great to have artichokes on this side of the world :-). There are many more growing around here, but that's for other Sunday Show & Tells.
Mother bought me and the sisters each a little something-something from the store at Pine Hills Hotel. If ever you are in Malaybalay, you should check it out :-) You never know what you'll find, like these: 4. pair of gorgeous vintage looking earrings for which I can't wait to match with my 40's outfits, and 5. Korean shoes for P380.00 that are cute AND comfy!
6. Clothespins dolls! What is not to love? :-) I nearly jumped for joy when I found these during my trip to Manila :-) I gave my other set to my cousin Pola who loves cute things just as much as I do (and who'se collection I have to shoot one day for Show & Tell) 7. My trusty Brother sewing machine which Deer and I got with some of our wedding money. This little trekker goes into a duffel bag and travels with me, even on a bus LOL.
8. Pyjamas for sister :-) We are going on a little trip this month with the family, and my sister said she would like to have matching pyjamas made. So far we have finished two of these, and I am working on the pattern for the top. The other sister wants one too, so it's pyjama season around here.
And last but not the least, this is me on a Sunday 9. doing preparation for 40's hair (effort-full!). LOL. Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Here's to a lovely week! xoxo