Hullo! Tomorrow school starts for the little sisters again, and this week I have been able to go back to getting some sewing started.
Whenever I am stumped with what to start on, I usually scour the wonderful online craft world for stitch alongs or other challenges. Luckily, there is one going on over at the Feeling Stitchy blog! The deadline is on June 7, so you still have time to join and download the pattern made by the talented Cate Anevski. And when you are done, don't forget to tag your pic MayStitchalong and upload your work to the Flickr pool!
I decided to put the pattern on a Blythe dress pattern that I made for our class. Small-scale embroidery is my favorite form of relaxation, tiny stitches are always a recipe for cute! I used a variety of stitches for this project, sorry did not get to label them. When this is done, I will show you the stitches used. I have always found it handy to have an embroidery book on hand, this way each new project is always an opportunity to try something new. My favorite is a vintage embroidery book Deer Husband's aunt gave me from her late mother's collection. I was so happy to have received it, and it is one of my most loved gifts of all time.
To put the color in, I used this crayon tinting technique from Aimee Ray of Little Deer Tracks and the author of the cute Doodle Stitching books (which by the way you can find in Powerbooks here in the Philippines). And guess what? You can catch a doodle stitch-along over at her blog! :-)
Since a few years back when I started miniature embroidery, I have always used a superfine beading needle with polyster sewing machine threads. The embroidery is just like doing a regular scale one so level of difficulty is the same. But getting the thread thru the needle hole over and over again? Frustrating! :-)

Hopefully, this will all be done by tomorrow and one of the girls can get a new dress to wear. There is always much sewing that needs to be done :-) If there is anything else you would like to see featured/discussed on the blog, do leave a comment or contact me, I would love to find out new things!
And before I go, I would just like to share that the begotten son turned 3 a couple days ago :-) The highlight of his happiness that day was when his godmother Genevieve of Angel's Log Cakes & Pastries brought over his Iphone cupcakes! Hahaha! Oh the joy of the modern child!

On that note, may you all have had a wonderful weekend, and here's to wishing you all a lovely, inspired and creative week up ahead!
Peace. Love. Dream. Sew!